Heat exchangers UK

Plate heat exchangers dimensions

SWEP BPHEs dimensions

SWEP Heat Exchangers sizes
Size Width Height dm2 port dist. D port dist. C port
E5T, B5T 74 192 1.3 40 154 16
E6T 72 210 1.5 40 172 16
E8T, B8T 74 315 2.2 40 278 16
B10 117 287 3.4 71 243 24
B10T 119 289 3.4 72 243 24
B12 117 287 3.4 63 234 33
B15T 72 465 3.3 40 432 16
B16 119 376 4.5 63 320 33
B25 117 524 6.1 71 478 24
B25T 119 526 6.3 72 479 24
B26 119 376 4.5 72 329 18 24 2×27
B28 119 526 6.3 63 470 33
B35 243 393 9.5 174 324 42; 61
B45 243 525 12.8 174 456 39
B50 243 525 12.8 159 441 61
B56 243 525 12.8 148 430 70
B57 243 693 16.8 148 600 70
B60 364 374 13,6 274.5 284.5 55 70 55 70
B65 363 864 31.4 231 731 100
B80 119 526 6.3 63 470 33
B85 119 526 6.3 63 470 33
B86 119 526 6.3 63 470 24
B120T 243 525 12.8 174 456 42
B200 243 525 12.8 163,5 448,5 42 60 2×53
B200T 243 525 12.8 163,5 448,5 42 60 2×53
B250AS 202 620 12.5 112 538 42 + 3×63
B320HT 243 525 12.8 159 441 63
B320LT 243 525 12.8 148 430 70
B400 304 694 21.1 208,5 601 50 80 2×73
B400T 304 694 21,1 206 601 50 80 2×73
B427 304 694 21.1 179 567 100
B439 304 979 29.8 179 854 100
B500T 304 979 29.8 179 854 60, 3×100
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Alfa Laval CB dimensions

Alfa Laval CB dimensions
Alfa Laval CB
Size width height dm2 port dist. D port dist. C
CB10 74 192 1.4 40 154
CB14, CB16, AlfaNova14 78 209 1.6 42 172
CB18 78 319 2.5 40 278
CB20 94 324 3.0 46 270
CB24 76 393 3.0 40 358
CB26, CB27, CB30, AlfaNova27 113 313 3.5 50 250
CB50 103 520 5.4 50 466
CB51, CB52, CB60, AlfaNova52 113 526 6.0 50 466
CB62 115 531 6.1 60 476
CB65 121 535 6.5 60 476
CB76, CB77, CB110, CB112, AlfaNova76 191 616 11.8 92 519
CB200 324 742 24.0 205 624
CB210 324 742 24.0 179 597
CB300 366 990 36.2 214 816
CB400 390 990 38.6 225 825
CB410 490 793 38.9 290 593
CB26 is replaced by CB30
CB27 is replaced by CB30
CB52 is replaced by CB60
CB76 is replaced by CB110
CB77 is replaced by CB112
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Alfa Laval AC dimensions

Alfa Laval CB measurements
Alfa Laval AC
Size width height dm2 port dist. D port dist. C
AC16 74 210 1.6 40 172
AC18 74 316 2.3 40 278
AC30 95 325 3.1 39 269
AC40 121 332 4.0 68 279/286
AC50 112 526 5.9 50 466
AC70 111 526 5.8 50 466
AC72, ACH73 113 529 6.0 60 476
ACH74 162 496 8.0 88 432
AC112, AC120, AC220 192 617 11.8 92 519
AC130 247 487 12.0 157/164 391/397
AC230, AC232 250 490 12.2 155/166 369/400
AC240 289 525 15.2 177 397
AC250 322 739 23.8 211/232 599/628
AC350 324 741 24.0 211/232 599/628
AC500, AC502 322 739 23.8 205/224 632/568
AC1000 487 817 39.8 356/280 603/615
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Alfa Laval Gasketed Plate Heat Exchangers dimensions

Alfa Laval Gasketed Plate Heat Exchangers dimensions

Dimensions may vary by several cm depending on the pressure class. Details are in the enclosed catalog sheets.

Gasketed plate exchangers Alfa Laval
Size Width Height port dist. D port dist. C connections
T2 140 380 50 298 R 3/4"
P2 325 730 135 591 DN65
M3 180 480 60 357 G 5/4"
TL3 190 790 60 668 G 5/4"
T5 245 737 100 553 G 2"
T6 320 890 140 640 G 2", DN50
M6 320 920 140 640 G 2"
TL6 320 1264 140 1036 G 2", DN50, DN65
TS6 400 704 203 380 DN65
T8 400 890 225 719 DN80
T10 470 1054 225/231 719 DN100
M10, T10 Semi Weld 470 1084 225/231 719 DN100
TL10 480 1885 225 1338 DN100
MK15 650 1486 298 1044 DN150
T15 610 1858 298 1294 DN150
M15 610 1941 298 1294 DN150, DN200
TL15 610 2752 288 2035 DN150
TS20 740 1405 363 698 DN200
T20 780 2145 353 1478 DN200
T25 913 2661 439 1939 DN200, DN250
TS35 1174 2375 578 1836 DN300, DN350
T35 1174 2875 578 2336 DN300, DN350
TL35 1154 3210 578 2177 DN300, DN350
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NBRB gaskets are suitable for temperatures -25 to +110 °C
NBRP gaskets are suitable for temperatures -20 to +140 °C

Danfoss BPHEs dimensions

Danfoss dimensions
Danfoss brazed heat exchangers
Size Width Height port dist. D port dist. C connections
XB04 93 296 45 248 3/4"
, XB05M, XB05X, XB05H
76 312 42 278 3/4"
, XB06L, XB06H
95 320 45 270 3/4"
, XB12L, XB12M, XB12H
118 289 65 235 1", 5/4"
XB24, XB25, XB25H 95 491 45 442 3/4"
, XB37L, XB37M, XB37H
119 525 72 479 1"
XB51, XB51L 256 466 170 380 2"
XB52, XB52M 256 466 170 379 2"
XB59, XB59M 186 613 92 519 2"
, XB61L, XB61M, XB61H
243 525 174 456 2"
, XB66L, XB66H
296 706 180 583 2 1/2", DN65
, XB70L, XB70M, XB70H
365 990 214 816/861 DN65, DN100
XB71, XB71H 372.5 972.5 206 816 DN100
B3-012 72 186 40 154 3/4"
B3-014 77 207 40 172 3/4"
B3-018 90 207 43 182 3/4"
B3-020 72 314 42 278 3/4"
B3-027 111 311 50 250 1"
B3-030 95 325 39 269 1"
B3-052 111 527 50 466 1", 5/4"
B3-095 188 615 98 519 2"
SL14, SLS14 76 202 42 172 3/4"
SL32, SLS32 104 304 50 250 1"
SL34 104 304 50 250 1"
SL70, SLS70 117 498 65 446 1", 1 1/2"
SL78, SLS78 191 618 92 519 2"
SL140 241 611 150 520 2 1/2"
SL222 383 1008 239 863 DN80
SL333 326 933 205 623 DN100
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ARES Gasketed Plate Heat Exchangers measurements

Wide range of gasketed heat exchangers ARES/Sondex. We supply Sondex plates and gaskets (Hang-On) for Danfoss, Reflex Longtherm heat exchangers.

ARES dimensions
Gasketed plate exchangers ARES/Sondex
Typ Width Height port dist. D port dist. C connections
A1S (S4A) 190 473 70 381 5/4"
A1L (S8A) 190 755 70 656 5/4"
A2S (S7A) 300 596 126 394 2"
A2M (S14A) 300 896 126 694 2"
A2L (S20A) 300 1096 126 894 2"
A3S (S9A) 395 626 192 380 DN65
A3M (S19A) 395 946 192 700 DN65
A3L (S31A) 395 1296 192 1050 DN65
A4S (S21A), A4A (S22) 480 1108 225 719 DN100
A4M (S47) 480 1776 225 1365 DN100
A6S (S41A) 608 1447 296 890 DN150
A6M (S62) 608 1849 296 1292 DN150
A6L (S86) 608 2251 296 1694 DN150
(click to show all rows)

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